Aged More Than 100 Years, Here Are 9 People with the Longest Age

On Sunday (7/12/2020), the legendary gudeg seller in Yogyakarta, Biyem Setyo Utomo or familiarly called Mbah Lindu, died. At his old age, Mbah Lindu is still actively selling warm. Only three years later he gave up his business to the child due to declining health conditions. Now, Mbah Lindu has rested peacefully at the age of 100 years.

100 years of age is considered a long life for humans. Besides Mbah Lindu, there are several people in the world who have a long life. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO) most of them are women and come from Japan.

Here are 9 people with the longest age in the world (March 2020 data), as reported by

Mina Kitagawa (114 years)

Mina Kitagawa lives in Hikoneshi, Shiga prefecture, Japan. Not too much info about Kitagawa, but his age has been validated by Gerontology Research Group. He is the third oldest person in Japan at the age of 114 years.

Noeme de Silveira Freitas (114 years old)

According to news reports in 2019, Freitas was born in 1905 so he is 114 years old at this time. If his claim is true, then Freitas is the oldest person in South America today. Until last March, he was reportedly still healthy despite having problems with the thyroid and limited mobility.

Iris Westman (114 years old)

Westman is the second oldest person in America. He was born in North Dakota and still lives there today. In his youth, Westman was a teacher and librarian. Reading is still his favorite, but now he is more likely to listen to audio books because his eyes have decreased ability.

Katerina Karnarou (114 years old)

As of March 2020, Katerina Karnarou is listed as the oldest person in Greece. He was born in the village of Mountriza, now called Gryllos. However, he has lived in Crete, Greece, since getting married at the age of 25.

Although relatively healthy, Karnarou is so old that he sometimes forgets his age. In an interview in 2018, Karnarou said: "Maybe I am 105 years old? I do not remember it well ".

Shigeyo Nakashi (115 years old)

Like Kitagawa, there isn't much public information about Shigeyo Nakashi. However, he is known as a supercentenarian in Japan. At 115 years old, Nakashi became the second oldest living person in Japan and the oldest in Saga prefecture. Previously, Nagashi worked as a teacher and retired when he was 62 years old.

Jeanne Bot (115 years)

Jeanne Bot is the second oldest person still alive in France after celebrating his 115th birthday. He was born on January 14, 1905 in the military barracks of Mont-Louis because his father was an officer.

Bot spent 50 years working as a bookkeeper and never married or had children. At present, Bot still lives in his own apartment, but is assisted by a household assistant. Ni's 71-year-old nephew visits him every day. He is still physically fit. Aside from hearing problems, Bots has no other health problems.

Maria Kononovich (115 years)

Maria Kononovich is one of the supercentenarians in the world whose age has not been verified by Gerontology Research Group. Even so, according to the news, Kononovich's passport wrote that his date of birth was May 27, 1904. In other words, he could be included in the list of the oldest people in the world with an age of 115 years.

Lucile Randon (116 years)

Lucile Randon is the second oldest person in the world and the oldest in France. In February, he celebrated his 116th birthday. According to a news report in 2017, Randon is a nun. Before becoming a nun, she worked as a nanny and teacher.

Kane Tanaka

Kane Tanaka was born in 1903 and lives in Fukuoka prefecture, Japan. Gary Okada Funakoshi, Tanaka's nephew, said that his aunt loved writing poetry and still remembered her trip to the United States in the 1970s.

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