How Can Nostradamus's Predictions Affect Our World?

 Nostradamus has produced 942 four-line poems which rhymes with future predictions.

The author of "The Prophecies" has become a prominent figure in the field of prognostication and has influenced our world.

Nostradamus has received praise for predicting the king, Henri II of France will die with his eyes pricked and fatal injury in a jousting match. He also predicted the "new age" in 1792 which was marked by the French revolution and foretold the rise of Napoleon.

In more recent times, Nostradamus's work also depicts nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even Donald Trump's rise as President of the United States is also linked to his prediction: "A shameless person, a great troublemaker. He will be elected governor of the army."

Although Nostradamus's work has a weakness, in fact it is used by several parties in the world.

During World War II, Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels used Nostradamus to convey that the German army was destined to win. Pamphlets were distributed throughout Europe in hopes of facilitating Nazi victory.

But the Allies also recognized the usefulness of the work of Nostradamus and the British to do the same in order to improve their morale.

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Nostradamus also wrote about fires, famines, and floods, all of which have occurred repeatedly over the centuries.

Stéphane Gerson on the Biography page noted that Nostradamus lived in a chaotic period, with religious wars, more destructive weapons and political rearrangements changing the world around him.

This is reflected in his work, and it provides connections to people who experience upheaval in their own lives.

After September 11, 2001, when the world felt insecure because the World Trade Center had been destroyed, bookstores had experienced a sharp increase in sales of books related to Nostradamus.

Some people find comfort in their natural predictions. After they matched the attack with Nostradamus' predictions that were spread online.

Nostradamus does not use dates in his prophetic writing. Like the forecast in the work of The Good News. He predicted in 2021 the Resurrection of an Island.

"A deep white clay feeds the rock. Which boils up from an abyss like milk. Needlessly afraid, the people won't dare touch it. Being ignorant of the clay in the earth's heart."

The interpreters in the book describe that the island's revival was in an area that was familiar with volcanic activity.

In addition, he also predicted that in 2089 two major powers would meet face to face. It is explained from his poem that after the global war in 2070 peace will be created between the two great powers after various paradoxes that took place before.

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